22nd July 2024

2025 Course #16 Teaching and assessing mediation skills in the modern language classroom.

Dates / Location

April 27 – May 2
October 19 – 24
May 25 – 30

Target Groups

  • Modern Language Teachers in primary, secondary and vocational education.

Course Objectives
This course aims to develop teachers’ related competences to:

  • Understand the CEFR framework for mediation and its relevance in MFL teaching
  • Explore various technology tools and platforms to support mediation activities
  • Design tech-enhanced lesson plans and assessments for different mediation skills
  • Develop strategies to integrate mediation with other language skills and life competencies
  • Create digital resources and activities for immediate classroom implementation


The course combines plenary, tutor-led introductions & viewing videos of exemplary classroom procedures with follow-up activities when participants do practical work individually, in pairs and small groups applying the concepts and principles presented by analyzing and discussing viewed practices, and/or practicing approaches involving specific technologies or applications.

To address the anticipated variety in participants’ interests and needs (in terms of target groups and individual skills levels) most tasks are designed to accommodate differentiated relevant learning experiences and outcomes.
At the end of the week delegates will demo, share and discuss a teaching unit created during the hands-on sessions.
To provide flexible access to course related tasks and resources a course learning management system (LMS) will be used. After the course concludes, participants will be able to access the LMS to promote follow-up communication and collaborative learning.


A pre-course, online questionnaire could be provided to assess pre-knowledge and further align course content and procedures to needs and (specific) interests.
Delegates are requested to bring subject book(s) and/or related ICT materials (if available) to be used when creating customised materials and activities.

Day-to-day Programme Topics

Day 1 Meet & Greet / Introductions

  • Questionnaire review / finetuning expectations
  • Cultural Event

Day 2  Understanding Mediation in the Digital Age

  • Overview of course and course structure in the Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Introduction to the CEFR framework for mediation and aligning participants’ understanding of relevant related concepts
  • Exploring the intersection of technology and mediation skills
  • Reflection on own current practice
  • Analyzing digital scenarios where mediation occurs naturally
  • Hands-on workshop: Using online collaboration tools for cross-linguistic mediation

Day 3: Tech Tools for Mediating Texts

  • Digital strategies for relaying specific information and explaining data
  • Using text-to-speech and speech-to-text tools for processing and translating texts
  • Practical session: Creating multimedia summaries of complex texts

Day 4: Integrating Mediation with Life Competencies and Language Skills

  • Exploring virtual reality and augmented reality for cultural mediation
  • Utilizing online forums and social media for facilitating pluricultural spaces to encourage conceptual talk and collaborative meaning-making
  • Workshop:  Designing tech-enhanced activities that integrate mediation with traditional language skills

Day 5: Assessing Mediation Skills with Technology

  • Overview of digital assessment tools for mediation skills
  • Creating rubrics and checklists based on CEFR descriptors
  • Hands-on session: Designing tech-based formative and summative assessments

Day 6: Finalising the production of teaching & learning materials

  • Finalising materials development
  • Lesson demo, sharing and discussing materials created by participants
  • Suggestions for sharing insights with school colleagues and further continuing professional development activities
  • Course wrap-up, evaluation and certification


Click here for the General TELLConsult Course Terms (registration, procedures, costs, cancellation, etc…)