3rd August 2020

Selected Key Project Results

Interactive Technologies in Language Teaching (iTILT):

Handbook & Sample IWB materials downloads

To download page

Tablets for classroom differentiation and inclusion

DEIMP Project ‘Developing and Evaluating Innovative Mobile Pedagogies’. Video presenting the 5 clusters of innovative principles for designing mobile pedagogies. Consult this page for more information on the related IPAC Framework What is iPAC ? (ipacmobilepedagogy.com)

The CATAPULT project

The results the CATAPULT project produced include the common competence framework for Language for Specific Purposes teachers. Find the full report about this output in English and various other languages here. Furthermore we mention here the community of practice for these and future language professionals LinguaCoP and its matching tool LinguaClick which enables language and LSP teachers and potential employers to connect.

TEMPLATE project
The ErasmusPlus project ‘Technology-Mediated PLurilingual Activities for (language) Teacher Education'(TEMPLATE) aims at strengthening the professional competence of pre- and in-service teachers who want to fully implement the recommendations of the Council of Europe for the use of plurilingual approaches in language education.

One of its major results is the Theoretical and Practical Framework ‘Integrating Technology Mediated Plurilingual Tasks into the (Foreign) Language Classroom’.
Link to download