Attended the EU Project EDINA final Multiplier Event

The Erasmus+ project ‘EDucation of International Newly Arrived migrant pupils‘ (EDINA) organised its final Multiplier Event at Utrecht University on Wednesday, October 19.

Because of its focus on educational issues related to plurilingualism I had been following this project since TELLConsult’s involvement in the TEMPLATE project.
This event provided a great opportunity to be informed about this sister project’s results and get to know some of the project partners & presenters.

The invited keynote speakers included Emmanuelle le Pichon (remote contribution, University of Toronto) and Piet van Avermaet (Ghent University). Their contributions are now available at this page of the project’s website.

After lunch I attended the presentation of MoedInt2 (mothertongue in Dutch as L2) by Sterre Leufkens*. The app aims to support Dutch L2 teachers in planning comparing, translanguaging, scaffolding and mediating activities in their plurilingual classrooms. It provides information on contrasts between Dutch and an impressive number of other languages. A version with English as target language is under development.
* Leufkens, Sterre (2017). Informatiewebsite: Moedertaal in NT2 (MoedINT2), Viewed on October 23, 2022.

The other session I was in consisted of a duo presentation: Piet van Avermaet presented capita selecta from his keynote on recent research and Irma Westheim who presented and shared related materials to language & learning policies at the Hugo de Groot School.

During and after the event I had a chance to exchange information and share the TEMPLATE flyer with Karijn Helsloot, director of Stichting Taal naar Keuze (the Foundation Language of Choice).
With EDINA partner Piet van Avermaeat and project coordinator Sergio Baauw we also briefly discussed possible collaboration with respect to future dissemination and exploitation activities.

In that context I was also given one of their dissemination products, the EDINA GoPro Week Calendar for Teachers of Newcomers, loaded with interesting information bytes, tips and links to additional resources related to multilingualism.

To confirm the relationship between our projects and also establish a digital connection as of now I added some of the calendar references, the info on apps I was informed about during the presentations and the EDINA Padlet Page ‘Transition’ to the TEMPLATE Padlet resource collector about other related projects.

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