Autumn TELLConsult course on mobile learning in Amsterdam

Thanks to the kind cooperation of the Berlage Lyceum we could run one of our autumn courses in Amsterdam again in 2019. This year, also thanks to agreements made with two schools and a KA1 project consortium sending several teachers, we could confirm Course #9 ‘ Using mobile devices effectively to innovate learning and teaching in your subject & school’ already in June.

From our (international) tutor network we invited Joe Dale, international expert in the field of apps specifically for mobile learning, to contribute three days. Two of or our national colleagues contributed on specific topics such as location based learning (Gerton Cazemier, inHolland University) and (supporting) implementation of mlearning in your school (Suzanne Lustenhouwer), who later tweeted: ‘ Very surreal to be back at my old school today. Working with teachers from all over Europe and sharing the do’s and don’ts on working with mobile devices and things I’ve learned since starting teaching here 10 years ago.’

Sunday: Meet & Greet activity and guided A’dam city walk

In the academic part of the course programme an ambitious agenda was covered including topics like:

  • iPAC-based mlearning evaluation and design guidelines
  • Selecting tools and designing for collobarative learning activities
  • Scenario design,
  • eBook creation & Tools for assessment & providing feedback
  • Production tools (audio, video) for flipping-the-classroom resources
  • Location-based learning
  • Strategies and resources for continuing professional development.

So at the end of the week, with all tasks completed and positive evaluation results, the course could be concluded with a most pleasurable certificate celebration.
Finalised by our farewell message including this reflection: ‘ It was a pleasure working with schoolteams of such dedicated educators preparing to also put time & effort into supporting colleagues in their school once back home’.
For a brief video impression click here.

PS Because this course took place during the autumn holidays in Amsterdam, TELLConsult also made it possible for teachers (national or from neighbouring countries, without a mobility grant) to participate on a daily basis.

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