16th July 2019


Billing procedure

1.  As soon as a course can be confirmed and ultimately 8-10 weeks before the start of the course an invoice will be sent to the contact person of the school/consortium. The name(s) mentioned on the bill will be the name(s) of the participant(s)

2.      All correspondence about billing will be done by the contact person of the school.

3.      Payment of invoices of more than 5 participants of the same school will be decided between TELLConsult admin and the school contact person

4. The reference number of the bill(s) should be mentioned when paying. If you don’t mention the reference number you might get a reminder for the bill as the payment will not be recognised by TELLConsult administration.

5.      The use of reference number(s) when paying is a necessity. If a consortium pays the bills of all teachers, all reference numbers involved should be mentioned.