EU project proposal submitted

Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps As more initiators of EU Erasmusplus project ideas will have experienced the actual proposals submission process was rather unpleasant this year, to say the least, due to constant technical hiccups of the platform. Nationals agencies in many countries were informed about this nuisance and fortunately a delay of one to Read more about EU project proposal submitted[…]

TELLConsult and partners to submit a KA2 Erasmus+ project proposal

EU project initiative offers Opportunities to Associated Schools TELLConsult succeeded in bringing together a number of international partners to collectively further develop an initial project idea.The resulting project consortium is now finalising the development of the application for an ErasmusPlus KA2 three year project.The team consists of experts on (the training of) the pedagogical use Read more about TELLConsult and partners to submit a KA2 Erasmus+ project proposal[…]

Attended the EU Project EDINA final Multiplier Event

The Erasmus+ project ‘EDucation of International Newly Arrived migrant pupils‘ (EDINA) organised its final Multiplier Event at Utrecht University on Wednesday, October 19. Because of its focus on educational issues related to plurilingualism I had been following this project since TELLConsult’s involvement in the TEMPLATE project.This event provided a great opportunity to be informed about Read more about Attended the EU Project EDINA final Multiplier Event[…]

TandemMOOC: Interesting (and free!) opportunity for English and Spanish learners to practice their oral skills

Passing on this announcement from Christine Appel on the start of a new edition of tandemMOOC! The tandemMOOC Project, aims to bring together learners of English and Spanish in order to practice their oral skills. This is a free course that takes place over a period of six weeks, starting on the 26th of October Read more about TandemMOOC: Interesting (and free!) opportunity for English and Spanish learners to practice their oral skills[…]

TELLConsult’s 2023 course offer updated

Our 2023 course offer has been updated. Thanks to new tutor team members 15 evidence-informed courses are now available also including new course topics and venues. Looking forward to the migration of our offer on the course catalogue at the EU School Education Gateway website to the new location at School Education ec Read more about TELLConsult’s 2023 course offer updated[…]

Template project dissemination activities (summer 2022)

In June TELLConsult senior advisor Ton Koenraad attended the event organised by University of Applied Sciences, Hogeschool Utrecht dedicated to the start of the retirement of former colleague Maaike Hajer, lector at the lectorate ‘Plurilingualism & Education’. In her exit lecture Maaike gave an overview of her work, insights and (project) results related to her Read more about Template project dissemination activities (summer 2022)[…]

Final Event VirtuLApp Project

The Virtual Language App Project, in short VirtuLApp, is a European funded project with partners in Basque Country, Ireland and Belgium which develops an innovative multilingual and multididactic approach which teachers can use in the classroom to welcome pupils’ home languages. The VirtuLApp project’s final multiplier event, hosted by Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism Read more about Final Event VirtuLApp Project[…]

TELLConsult attended the final multiplier event organised by the Holi-Frysk Project ‘multilingual secondary education for everyone’

TELLConsult senior staff member Ton Koenraad was invited to attend the final multiplier event organised by the Holi-Frysk Project on October 5, 2021. The event took place at the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences in Leeuwarden (NL). The rationale of the project’s mission ‘multilingual secondary education for everyone’ is explained on its website: ‘Regional Read more about TELLConsult attended the final multiplier event organised by the Holi-Frysk Project ‘multilingual secondary education for everyone’[…]

ErasmusPlus programme 2021 – 2027

Find our support reaction to a recent blogpost by Ilpo Halonen (Euneos) entitled ‘Incentives needed to promote digital education in Erasmus+ program’ where he concluded that ‘More incentives are needed in the new Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027 to make the Digital Education Action Plan really functioning and efficient’ We at TELLConsult strongly support your view and Read more about ErasmusPlus programme 2021 – 2027[…]

Equal opportunities through multilingual primary teacher training

From: Mercator Network Newsletter July 2021 To conclude the NRO Comenius project “Equal opportunities through multilingual primary teacher training”, the involved researchers from the research group Multilingualism & Literacy (NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences) have published a report on the project’s activities, including the integration of multilingualism and application of CLIL in initial teacher Read more about Equal opportunities through multilingual primary teacher training[…]