CATAPULT project to launch MOOC for upskilling LSP teachers


Thanks to a great many professionals who responded to our 2018 call to participate in the survey of the “CATAPULT” project (more details about the project below) the project teams has been able to map the needs of (language) teachers with regard to the professional training of LSP teachers in Europe. This has enabled us to realize two important project publications:
Output 1. 01 Report: LSP Teachers ’Needs for Skills and Training
Output 2. O2 Report: Towards a Common Competence Framework
Both reports are also available in a number of other languages.

The start of the first edition of the online course (MOOC) designed with the competence framework (Output 2) as a starting point is now planned to start at January 27, 2020.
Take a sneak peek at what course participants can expect

Introducing the CATAPULT MOOC

Those interested can already register here
For more details about these and other project developments, see the online version of the latest Newsletter here.

CATAPULT (Computer-Assisted Training And Platforms to Upskill LSP Teachers) is a three-year EU – ERASMUS + project that started in September 2018. It aims to provide training and tools for teachers who provide Languages ​​for Specific Purposes (LSP) in higher education and adult education, thereby contributing to their professionalization for teaching LSP students in the digital age.

Project website: Twitter: @ProjectCatapult

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