TELLConsult at EUROCALL 2019 Conference

The annual conference of the European association of language teachers interested in technology and language learning, EUROCALL, was organised this year by the University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium),  see Conference website here. On behalf of TELLConsult Ton Koenraad presented the realised and plannend results of the project ‘Developing and evaluating innovative mobile pedagogies’ (DEIMP).  The related Read more about TELLConsult at EUROCALL 2019 Conference[…]

Two TELLConsult Erasmus+ courses confirmed

On Twitter and in our recent Summer Newsletter (view or download here) we announced that two of our ErasmusPlus eligible courses on mobile learning have already been confirmed: Course 12 Designing and Evaluating Innovative Mobile Pedagogies input from the DEIMP project partners)and Course 9 Using mobile devices effectively to innovate learning and teaching in Read more about Two TELLConsult Erasmus+ courses confirmed[…]

TELLConsult contributions to Redesign Project & Cyprus Language Centre conferences

   We were most  pleased to have been invited for a presentation and workshop contribution to the conference “The Implementation of Technology in Second/Foreign Language Learning: Past, Current and Future Ventures”  organised by the ReDesign Project in collaboration with the KIOS Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence and the Language Centre at the University of Read more about TELLConsult contributions to Redesign Project & Cyprus Language Centre conferences[…]

TELLConsult in Krakow for project Meeting of EU project CATAPULT AND PL-CALL Conference

The 2nd meeting of the EU project CATAPULT was kindly hosted by its partner, The Pedagogical University, in Krakow, Poland. Preceded by 2 training days for academic staff on the teaching of languages for specific purposes, the consortium meeting took place on Wednesday May 29. One of items on the agenda was the presentation to Read more about TELLConsult in Krakow for project Meeting of EU project CATAPULT AND PL-CALL Conference[…]

MALL SIG symposium CALLmi @ Milan great success

As newly appointed members of the EUROCALL MALL-SIG we,  Bruce Lander (chair),  Valentina Morgana (secretary) and myself (co-chair) decided to organise two activities in 2019: a symposium on Mobile Assisted Language Learning ( MALL) in May and a SIG Meeting / Teachmeet event at this year’s conference of the Eurocall Association in August. Valentina managed Read more about MALL SIG symposium CALLmi @ Milan great success[…]

Final international Redesign project meeting in Cyprus

Last week Ton Koenraad represented TELLConsult at the final meeting for the ReDESIGN ERASMUS+ project  at the KIOS Center of Excellence of the University of Cyprus. During this session several Output results were reviewed including # 2: Identification of Common Grounds in the Curricula; #3 Design and Integration of Course Materials and #5 Implications for Read more about Final international Redesign project meeting in Cyprus[…]

Latest newsletter from NUT, association of NL & BE University language centres

Passing on a selected newsitem from the latest newsletter of the Belgian & Dutch Association of academic Language centres ‘NUT’ with a focus on its Jubilee conference in Antwerp. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the NUT, the NUT anniversary conference “Power and splendour of language” took place in Antwerp on 5 April Read more about Latest newsletter from NUT, association of NL & BE University language centres[…]

Conference on Language Learning and Technology

In collaboration with the KIOS Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence and the Language Centre at the University of Cyprus, the ErasmusPlus project ReDesign is organising a conference and workshop on Language Learning and Technology at the University of Cyprus on June 05, 2019. The theme of the conference is “The Implementation of Technology in Read more about Conference on Language Learning and Technology[…]

Recent EU project related activities

At TELLConsult we just had two intensive weeks of activities related to some of our EU projects. We have been promoting the #DEIMP contributions to the @MiTEconference 5th annual International Conference on Mobile Technology in Teacher Education in #Sidney on the project’s Twitter account @DeimpAdmin EU ErasmusPlus Project ‘Designing and Evaluating Innovative Mobile Pedagogies. Another promotion Read more about Recent EU project related activities[…]

Conferences on Computer Assissted Language Learning in Krakow (Poland) and Milan (Italy) in May 2019

The Technology Enhanced Language Education Department of the Pedagogical University, Krakow (Poland) is organising its annual PL_CALL conference this year on 30-31 May,  in Krakow. Registration deadline for paper / workshop proposals is January 15. The Call for Papers covers a wide variety of topics including e.g. CLIL, Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) and Internationalisation. Read more about Conferences on Computer Assissted Language Learning in Krakow (Poland) and Milan (Italy) in May 2019[…]