EU Project CATAPULT to run another edition of its FREE MOOC for LSP teachers.

Hereby passing on the coordinator’s invitation message

Dear colleagues,

Building on the success of the first six seasons, which attracted just under 1,000 participants in total, the CATAPULT (Computer-Assisted Training and Platforms to Upskill LSP Teachers) consortium is pleased to announce that season 7 of the MOOC “Teaching Languages for Specific Purposes (LSPs)” will start on March 31, 2025.

This Language Teacher Education MOOC (LTEMOOC) is a nine-week online course for (future) language teachers interested in teaching Languages for Specific Purposes (LSPs) with technology. Successful participants will be awarded badges and a certificate attesting to the skills developed in the course. 

Detailed information, including a short presentation video and the link to register (for free!), can be found on the course page:   

We hope to see many of you there!

Best regards,

Cédric Sarré

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