Hereby passing on the coordinator’s invitation message
Dear colleagues,
Building on the success of the first six seasons, which attracted just under 1,000 participants in total, the CATAPULT (Computer-Assisted Training and Platforms to Upskill LSP Teachers) consortium is pleased to announce that season 7 of the MOOC “Teaching Languages for Specific Purposes (LSPs)” will start on March 31, 2025.
This Language Teacher Education MOOC (LTEMOOC) is a nine-week online course for (future) language teachers interested in teaching Languages for Specific Purposes (LSPs) with technology. Successful participants will be awarded badges and a certificate attesting to the skills developed in the course.
Detailed information, including a short presentation video and the link to register (for free!), can be found on the course page: https://catapult-project.eu/course/season-7-teaching-lsps/
We hope to see many of you there!
Best regards,
Cédric Sarré