Final international Redesign project meeting in Cyprus

Last week Ton Koenraad represented TELLConsult at the final meeting for the ReDESIGN ERASMUS+ project  at the KIOS Center of Excellence of the University of Cyprus.
During this session several Output results were reviewed including # 2: Identification of Common Grounds in the Curricula; #3 Design and Integration of Course Materials and #5 Implications for Future Curricula Designers, Instructors, and Students. 

The participating academic institutions, the University of Hull, University Politehnica of Bucharest and the University of Cyprus discussed the steps undertaken to transform educational curricula and collaborative activities. They reported on the realised assignments, joint lectures, short modules, web-hosted tutorials.
The day was concluded by establishing the further actions needed to prepare the final report.

The next day, during the training event, Stella Hadjistassou, project coordinator, presented on the role of multimodality in telecollaboration in the context of the design considerations for the Augmented Reality enhanced learning scenarios,
This was followed up by local colleague Petros Louca who elaborated on the development of the artefacts involved and demonstrated the AR-mediated tasks. 

As partners we contributed on the theme of (tele)collaborative learning by presenting the recently published findings of research carried out by the EVALUATE project on the impact of related strategies, particularly in teacher education contexts.

We were also invited to contribute to the final REDESIGN Multiplier Event and the international conference organised by the Language Centre of the University of Cyprus.

We spent the extra day, we had in expectation of our return flight,  in Larnaca where we visited – among others – the famous Lazarus church.

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