ITELab’s invitation to Teacher Educators to complete short online survey

As asscociate partner in this project on the innovation of the intitial curriculum in teacher education we pass on an edited version of the project’s call for cooperation. For TELL’s related offer for  inservice teacher training eligible for EU grants see this page:
See e.g. this course on pedagogy for tablet use in the classroom which EU citizen teachers even can get financial support for:

Source:  Itelab-assocpartners list:

Dear colleagues,

This is a request for university teacher educators, to please complete ITELab partner, University of Agder’s Teacher Educators competences survey.  The deadline for filling in the survey is 30 November 2018.   

Hereby the links to the survey:

 Further detail on the survey 

The survey, is designed in the ITELab project by the University of Agder (Norway) and hosted by European Schoolnet. The survey aims to explore attitudes to digital technology and to self-assess tutors’ competences in using technology as they prepare student teachers for future careers in the teaching profession. No personal information is collected and the data will be presented in summary form only.  The results will be used to inform discussions with concrete evidence and to formulate recommendations in the area of professional digital competences in ITE and shared with Associate Partners at a future online ITE Forum. The survey is open until 30th November 2018.

The aim of this online survey is to learn more about the digital competences of teacher educators in Initial Teacher Education. By ‘teacher educators’ we mean, the lecturers and tutors who are teaching either primary and/or secondary (all subjects) student teachers to become the next generation of future teachers.

The survey is part of the ITELab project (Initial Teacher Education Lab) which aims at developing pedagogical digital competence in Teacher Education. The questions are based on the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) and the TET-SAT tool developed by European Schoolnet.

The survey is for teacher educators in initial teacher education institutions ONLY. It comprises 12 items and should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. There are no right or wrong answers. The questionnaire is entirely anonymous; your data will be treated in the strictest confidence. It will only be viewed by personnel working on this project, will not be forwarded to third parties and will be used solely for research purposes.

Your answers will help identify key competence areas for teacher educators and their overall self-assessed strengths and weaknesses. The results will be published on the ITELab website in early 2019.

If you have questions regarding this survey, please contact Eli-Marie Danbolt Drange at the University of Agder, Norway: . 

Please complete the survey by 30th November 2018.
On behalf of the University of Agder, thank you in advance for your support with this survey.

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