iTILT project selected as good practice of technology use in language education

The September Newsletter published by the EU School Education Gateway was dedicated to language learning.
One of the featured articles entitled ‘Loquor ergo sum: new ideas for language teaching’  listed the iTILT project ‘Interactive teaching in languages with Technology’ as an example of good practice of promoting technology supported approaches in language learning.

See the summary item at the #EU database of realised projects  

At TELLConsult we are proud to have initiated the first edition of the project and to have been partner in iTILT2.

In addition to the most useful #OER content for professional development of teachers including video registrations of actual practice,  the projects have produced an impressive number of academic publications including a book on Interactive Whiteboards in Language Education:

Cutrim Schmid, Euline & Whyte, Shona (Eds.) (2014). Teaching languages with technology: communicative approaches to interactive whiteboard use. A resource book for teacher development. Advances in Digital Language Learning and Teaching (Series Editors: Michael Thomas, Mark Warschauer & Mark Peterson). London: Bloomsbury. [link]

Insights and materials are still being disseminated and are used by partners in initial teacher education and professional development courses such as those offered by TELLConsult Training e.g. Course #6 Using touch screens & whiteboards to support interactive language teaching & learning

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