MALL SIG symposium CALLmi @ Milan great success

As newly appointed members of the EUROCALL MALL-SIG we,  Bruce Lander (chair),  Valentina Morgana (secretary) and myself (co-chair) decided to organise two activities in 2019: a symposium on Mobile Assisted Language Learning ( MALL) in May and a SIG Meeting / Teachmeet event at this year’s conference of the Eurocall Association in August.

Valentina managed to get support to have the event hosted by the Department of Language Sciences and Foreign Literatures and the Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation (CHEI) at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan.  

She nicely baptised the international symposium “CALLmi: Where are we going”. When soon after that the conference website was up I helped distributing the Call for Papers and promoting the event on social media.

On behalf of TELLConsult I submitted a workshop proposal related to 2 EU projects on mlearning we are involved in: Designing & Evaluating Innovative Mobile Pedagogies (DEIMP) 

and  TABLIO (Tablets for classroom differentiation and inclusion)

General conclusions of the SIG team were that the event was a great success.  As it was very well attended (n>40) with speakers presenting well on a range of topics such as ‘A smartphone classroom:digital fantasy or MALL reality?’, ‘Shy, talkative or anxious? Linking anxiety and self-disclosure effects on students interactions in virtual exchanges’ or ‘Effective Mobile Technologies for the classroom’. 

The keynote and plenaries got a special mention as particularly good.

My late cancellation (due to a tragic event in my family) led to a last minute change of the programme as my contribution was planned as first session at the start of the symposium.

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