TELLConsult at EUROCALL 2019 Conference

The annual conference of the European association of language teachers interested in technology and language learning, EUROCALL, was organised this year by the University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium),  see Conference website here.

On behalf of TELLConsult Ton Koenraad presented the realised and plannend results of the project ‘Developing and evaluating innovative mobile pedagogies’ (DEIMP).  The related short paper entitled ‘Pedagogical frameworks and principles for mobile (language) learning to support related teacher education‘ was submitted for inclusion in the conference proceedings.

The conference offered a most interesting programme (check it out here)  with an impressive number of quality paper presentation proposals and attracted an audience of well over 300 delegates.

Besides Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) an increasing number of sessions were on topics like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data driven language learning  and Intelligent CALL (ICALL), possibly due to the theme of the conference: CALL and Complexity.

Together with the MALLsig team TELLConsult also contributed to the (organisation of) the Symposium ‘MALL tools tried en tested’ and the annual MALLsig meeting.

The conference also offered a great social programme including a reception at the local TinTin Museum.

For a guided tour and the gala dinner evening we were transported to sister town Leuven in Flanders. After this great outing the day was concluded with the traditional Eurocall free expression dance.

Furthermore, in the course of the week, delegates were challenged to try and win a Treasure Hunt in the campus town.
The discovery tour was designed by the MALL research group of the local university using the Activity Bound app and it also included mobile language learning tasks (in casu Dutch).

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