TELLConsult in Krakow for project Meeting of EU project CATAPULT AND PL-CALL Conference

The 2nd meeting of the EU project CATAPULT was kindly hosted by its partner, The Pedagogical University, in Krakow, Poland.

Welcome to the visiting members of the Advisory board

Preceded by 2 training days for academic staff on the teaching of languages for specific purposes, the consortium meeting took place on Wednesday May 29.

Infographic summarizing main findings of the survey report

One of items on the agenda was the presentation to and feedback from the members of the Advisory Board on Catapult’s first output : ”Situational Survey: LSP Teachers’ Needs for Skills and Training

Furthermore partners responsible for the development of the various project OUTPUTs reported to the team on interim products and / or progress made.

Then- thanks to the strategic planning by the Technology Enhanced Language Education Department, organisors of the PL-CALL 2019 conference ‘CALL FOR BACKGROUND’ – partners could also attend and contribute to this bi-annual event.

Introducing DEIMP’s predecessor EU project: MTTEP

On behalf of TELLConsult we ran the conference kick-off, two hour workshop ‘Resources and strategies developed in selected EU projects to support Teacher Education and Schools in realising innovative and inclusive education with the help of mobile devices’.

Delegates studying the iPAC framework for mobile learning

Participants were invited to explore ways in which they could use key outputs of the EU projects ‘DEIMP” and ‘TABLIO’ for their personal development and/or for initial and in-service teacher training purposes.

Then, later that day, during the first plenary session, the coordinator of the Catapult project, Cédric Sarré of Sorbonne Université, School of Education (ESPE de Paris) presented on the use of ICT in learning and teaching languages for specific purposes.

We also attended a number of other interesting paper presentation sessions on diverse topics including WebQuests and coding in primary education.

The next day Łukasz Olesiak, an experienced English language lecturer at the local Pedagogical University. teacher trainer for Macmillan Education and member of the TELLConsult course tutors team concluded the conference in the second plenary with a presentation on the development of Artificial Intelligence and reflections on its potential impact on (language) Education. 

AI in Education. the future?

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