TELLConsult invited by European Schoolnet to attend the MENTEP project conference

We are honoured to be invited by European Schoolnet, together with all MENTEP project partners, to their final MENTEP conference in Brussels. The conference will present the results of the major European Commission funded policy experimentation, about the use of the newly developed online tool (TET-SAT) to self-assess teachers’ Technology-Enhanced Teaching.

The one-day conference will include keynote presentations and interactive workshop sessions on:

  • the methodology and research results of the field trials (December 2016 – June 2017) implemented with over 7300 teachers in 11 countries to test the new online self – assessment tool TET-SAT
  • key project findings on research into online self-assessment and a certification feasibility study
  • how to engage teachers in collaborative learning and knowledge building around TET competences via MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)
  • capacity building sessions on how to run a policy experimentation with schools


. hands-on sessions with teachers introducing TET-SAT, a newly developed online tool for teachers to self-assess their Technology- Enhanced Teaching

. guidance and discussions on the further implementation and sustainability of the TET-SAT tool. 

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