TELLConsult attended and contributed to the TISLID 2018 conference

On behalf of TELLConsult we presented outcomes & first results relevant for Teacher Education at the #TISLID18 Conference in Ghent, Belgium produced by #Erasmus projects TELLConsult participate (d/s) in.
They finished/started last year, involving Interactive Teaching in Languages with Technology (iTILT2, 2015-2017), ‘Designing and Evaluating Innovative Mobile Pedagogies’ (DEIMP, 2017-2020) and ‘Tablets for classroom inclusion and differentiation’ (TABLIO, 2016-2019)’
Find the abstract of our contribution ‘Selected models, strategies and resources developed in EU projects relevant for m-learning pedagogy development and training in Language Education’ on this page and the presentation slides here. For further related references (e.g resources, research papers & books)see this Padlet page

We also announced the Multiplier Events planned by the projects in the various partner countries and pointed out the opportunities to attend them. In that context we also referred to the ErasmusPlus courses related to these and other project results TELLConsult and partners are offering.

Furthermore, pending the acceptance of the proposal for the ErasmusPlus project Catapult on professionalisation of LSP teachers (more details here),  we informed several experts and sounded out their potential interest in joining the projects’s planned Advisory Board in case the project idea got funded.

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